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Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the world’s imagination with its impressive ability to generate human-like text and engage in conversations, often blurring the lines between human and machine. While these “cool” applications have gained widespread attention, their practical value beyond chatbots has remained somewhat elusive.

However, one area where AI is quietly making waves is in the realm of document processing. AI agents, equipped with advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, can read and understand thousands of words in mere seconds. This opens up a world of possibilities for streamlining and automating tasks that previously consumed countless hours of human labor.

The potential to reduce the time spent on document processing is enormous. Consider the following fields:

  • Legal: Lengthy contracts summarised, legal precedents found, and arguments summarised.
  • Healthcare: Alayze records, review literature and research to support diagnosis, or simplify text for patient understanding.
  • Finance: Analyse financial statements, reports, and filings to identify risks and inform investment decisions.
Beyond these obvious industry specific use cases any organisation that is dealing with documents can benefit from some AI help to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Enter Google Cloud

Google Cloud Document AI uses advanced character recognition to extract data from your documents, creating highly accurate document processors to extract, classify and split documents.

Googles highly scalable infrastructure can ingest your companies documents and analyze them instantly, this can be used for:

  • Better understanding your customers: Information from clients SMS, Emails, and documents are often siloed, understanding all this data can be used to help gain better understanding of your customers and their behaviors.
  • Reduce Fraud: Most fraudulent documents contain subtle issues that are often not noticeable to the human eye, but AI can detect these things (much like we can detect issues with AI generated images easily) reducing revenue lost to fraudulent documents.
  • Report Writing: Hand writing documents has always been time consuming, and we typically rely on templates, AI takes this to the next level, writing entire reports based on data you have on your clients in seconds.  
While the “cool” factor of AI chatbots may have captured our initial attention, the true value of AI lies in its ability to transform industries and improve our lives. As AI agents continue to evolve and mature, their impact on document processing and other fields will only grow, ushering in a new era of efficiency and productivity.

Author: benking

Ben is the managing director and founder @ Aviato Consulting. Ben is a passionate technologist with over 17 years experience working to help transform some of the worlds largest organizations with technology, with experience working across both APAC, and EMEA in multiple industries. He is the founder of a startup with a successful exit, an Army veteran, recreational pilot, startup advisor, and board member. Ben is based in Sydney, Australia.

Aviato Consulting unleash the best of Google technology on your business problems.

Founded by ex-Google Cloud Consultant, and leaders to help you revolutionise your industry.

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