How do you know if AI is actually answering your question, and not just spitting out nonsense?


so I’m going to break down a few Concepts you might have been hearing when people are talking about AI the first one is retrieval augmented generation or rag it’s a bit of amouthful but it’s really simple if you ask an LL question so chat GPT or Google’s Gemini it’s going to respond based on what it’s being trained on which is the context of the entire internet but nothing specific to your business rag solves this problem by taking your business data uploading it into a database so that when you ask a question the question can retrieve data from the database based on your business and then formulate a response that’s grounded in that this reduces hallucinations or llms making up nonsense and make sure that it’s using data that is real from your business now the other concept we have is chunking if we’re taking documents and uploading them into the database we don’t want to upload entire documents cuz we’re not going to send entire documents to the llm very expensive so we chunk this you could chunk via paragraph but sometimes you need the paragraph surrounding that paragraph to get the full context or you can chunk via headings now different things are going to work for different businesses depending on how your data is structured by fining the way we chunk and store that in a database so that the LM can retrieve it and swapping out the llm model we can optimize for your business making sure that you get the best results possible for the best price possible whenever a new llm is released we can also test that very rapidly and see if that’s going to give you better results or a better price if you’re interested in learning more about this feel free to reach out happy to have a chat with anyone on these subjects thanks

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